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Multi-Channel Marketing: Keeping Video at the Center of Your Strategy

September 14, 2023 5 min read119

The days of a one-dimensional marketing strategy are long gone. 

Instead of experimenting with a few channels, doubling down on the one with the best ROI, and watching the results roll in, today’s marketers have to cast a wider net. There are endless channels and platforms to keep track of, and many of them play important roles in the current digital landscape.

Despite the complicated position most marketers face, it’s important to make the most of a multi-channel strategy. That’s where video comes in. On most digital channels, platforms, and placements, video is uniquely equipped to deliver results. Whether it plays a starring role or a supporting role, it deserves a place in your lineup. 

Understanding Multi-Channel Marketing

Multi-channel marketing refers to the practice of engaging customers and prospects through a variety of communication channels, both direct and indirect. These channels range from traditional print advertising to online platforms, offering brands the opportunity to meet their audience wherever they are.

At its core, multi-channel marketing is about meeting your audience where they are. Whether you connect with consumers through an email newsletter or a billboard ad, the goal remains the same: captivate and convert

By building those connections on multiple platforms—ideally with cohesive messaging—brands can expand their reach, improve engagement, and ultimately increase conversion rates.

The Power of Video in Marketing

While most brands recognize the value of video content, many miss out on the opportunity to employ video across multiple channels. In most cases, this leads to disjointed efforts that diminish the power of the video content itself.

No matter where it falls in your marketing strategy, video content shouldn’t be an afterthought. When you take the time to integrate it into your strategy and develop platform-specific content, video serves as a powerful tool to convey brand stories, explain complex topics, or even showcase user testimonials. 

In other words, video can play any role you need it to play in your marketing funnel—as long as you begin your production with those goals in mind.

Like most tactics, there’s a learning curve when you first launch into video marketing. It’s important to understand your audience, their content preferences, where they consume video, and how to plan your production with those outcomes in mind. 

When in doubt, bring in a professional video production company for support! Professional teams are equipped to guide you through the process, making sure the finished product is perfectly aligned with your multi-channel goals.

Key Platforms for Video Integration

Social Media Channels

Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are dominated by video content. Brands can utilize video to share behind-the-scenes clips, showcase products, or even engage with their community through live sessions.

Creating video content for social media platforms requires a blend of authenticity, creativity, and strategic planning. For organic reach, the focus should be on producing content that resonates with your audience and encourages engagement. Incorporating user-generated content can also amplify authenticity, driving more organic shares and interactions.

For paid strategies, make sure to have a clear objective for your video content, whether that’s building brand awareness, driving lead generation, or boosting sales. Your goal should inform everything from your hook to your CTA, so it’s an important starting point for your production.

Website and Landing Pages

Using video on your website and landing pages is a great way to guide potential customers deeper into your sales funnel. You can use these video placements to provide product demonstrations, share client testimonials, or even share the story behind your brand.

On these owned channels, video is especially powerful at holding visitors’ attention. Given the option to read a full screen of product features or watch a quick video, most consumers will opt for the video. As a result, you’re more likely to actually reach your audience with your most important content.

Your sales team—and your site’s bounce rate—will thank you! 

Email Marketing

Using video in email marketing is a bit more of a technical challenge, but it’s still a valuable strategy if you invest in the effort. 

First and foremost, make sure that any video content aligns with the overall message and goal of your email campaign. Then, instead of embedding the full video directly into the email—which many email providers don’t support or may flag as spam—include a compelling thumbnail or GIF preview of your video that links to the full video.

Lastly, ensure that your emails (especially ones with rich content like videos) are mobile-optimized. Many subscribers will see your email on a mobile device before they see it on desktop (if at all), so a mobile-responsive design is the key to a seamless experience.

Paid Advertising

Video ads are the final piece of your multi-channel marketing strategy. There are tons of options for placement, including social platforms, streaming services, and even broadcast TV. 

Since each placement has its own specs and best practices, make sure you understand your media buying strategy in the early stages of your production. The more you align your video content with its ad placement, the better! 

Strategies for Seamless Video Integration

Ready to incorporate video into all your marketing channels? Here are two important principles to keep in mind.

Content Planning

The more channels you involve in your marketing strategy, the more foresight it requires to keep everything aligned. Don’t try to incorporate multi-channel video assets on next week’s last-minute campaign. Instead, try to look a few months (or quarters!) ahead to start the process early. 

Before you ever start filming, it’s important to establish the visuals, messaging, and marketing objectives for your entire campaign. Then, storyboarding, scripting, and a great production team can help you bring the video portion to life. 

Consistency Across Channels

Similarly, regardless of the distribution platform, your video content should always reflect your brand’s voice, tone, and aesthetic. This uniformity helps strengthen brand recall, especially when it matches the content your audience is seeing on other channels.

Get Started

If your multi-channel marketing strategy is ready for video, contact our team here at Lemonlight! Our production team knows exactly how to optimize your content for different channels with cohesive messaging. Connect with us below to get started!

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