Why Video Production Skills Are Becoming More Important to Marketers

January 22, 2021 3 min read358

Marketing is a unique field in that it’s constantly evolving and contains a wide variety of sub-specialties. No two marketers are the same—some focus on content, others on analytics, and still others on automation, SEO, paid ads, and more. Given the variety in the field, it’s no surprise that marketers are often wondering which skills the industry is prioritizing—in other words, which skills are most in-demand in the job market.

Which skills are most important for marketers in 2021?

In 2021, we’re seeing some of the classic skills that will likely always be required of marketers: written and verbal communication skills, basic data analysis, and digital literacy, for example. However, video production skills are also proving to be increasingly important to those hiring marketers.

Back in 2018, Animoto found that 84% of marketers rank video creation skills important when hiring for a new marketing position. Today, if you search for marketing jobs on platforms like Indeed or Glassdoor, you’ll find that many positions reference video.

Here are some of the terms we found across a variety of marketing job descriptions based in cities across the country:

  • Content creation of all kinds, including video
  • Manage social media platforms, including shooting and editing photography and videos
  • Ideate and script video concepts
  • Design omni-channel digital experiences, including video
  • Fluency in video production

The interesting thing about the job descriptions containing the phrases above is that none of them were explicitly video production jobs—or even video marketing jobs. Not a single one contained the word “video” in the position’s title, nor were any of the roles contained within a production department. The takeaway here is that basic production skills are becoming the norm across all of marketing, not just a specialty that “general” marketers can avoid.

Why are production skills becoming more important?

Audience Engagement

Why this shift toward video? Well, for one thing, audiences are watching and interacting with videos more than they have in the past. This was true before the COVID-19 pandemic began, and the trend accelerated through the pandemic with many people working from home and relying more heavily on digital devices to get through the day.

Brands are responding to this increase in video engagement by creating—or doubling down on—their own video marketing strategies.

Balance of In-House vs. Third-Party Production

A second shift happening here is that in the past, many companies would have hired a production company or turned to freelancers to tackle all elements of a video project. Today, more and more teams are hoping to tackle some of their smaller, scrappier production needs internally.

For example, some brands are handling all of their social content internally while partnering with production companies for paid ad placements. Or, some brands are testing their own paid ads while relying on production companies for videos across their websites. This balance between third-party production partners and internal teams demands in-house employees to have the ability to tackle video projects alone.

There are so many benefits to using an in house production vs a third party production company. Marketers would benefit from having their own video production skillset.

What are the differences between using in-house resources vs. a production company?

In-House Benefits

Having team members with basic production skills is an asset for a few reasons. First, it allows for a quick turnaround. If your brand notices a fun trend that you want to get in on right away, having someone who can make a quick social video is often quicker than turning to an outside team. Second, teams that take a do-it-yourself approach to video content, especially for social platforms, often accomplish the authentic feel that audiences love.

Production Company Benefits

Keep in mind that not every project will be the right fit for your internal team, and production companies still have the upper hand when it comes to quality and expertise. Most in-house teams just can’t compete with the investment in equipment and experience that production companies prioritize. But, when you’re looking for quick, casual content, having someone on board can be the perfect solution.

So, while the need for production companies is definitely not going away any time soon, savvy marketers will recognize that learning the basics of video production will help them stand apart during their next job search. If you’re ready to start learning more about video production, check out our Ultimate Guide to Video Marketing in 2021 to get started.

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