Crew Spotlight: Al-e McWhorter, Production Designer

November 14, 2022 2 min read18

In the video production industry, it’s important to be able to work fast while also remembering to work smart. This can be a challenging task, as the industry is often cutthroat and fast-paced. Those who are successful need to be dedicated and able to work under less than favorable conditions.

One of the best ways to work smart is by maximizing the efforts of the entire team. By working together and owning responsibilities, everyone can help get the project completed on time. This will help to ensure that the project is done correctly and that everyone is contributing their best work.

Lemonlight is a video production company that takes the time to find the right people for each project and makes sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to what needs to be done. This approach has resulted in thousands of successful productions, catapulting us into being a leader in the industry. We recently caught up with one of our production designers, Al-e McWhorter, to talk more about the fast-paced world of video production and her time being under the Lemonlight umbrella. Be sure to check out the full spotlight below—it involves milkshakes! 

How many years have you worked with Lemonlight?

A little over a year and half :).

Favorite project at Lemonlight?

We did a shoot last year for a clothing company called Magnahoodie. They wanted their spot to be really comedic and over the top so we got to play with a lot of visual gags. Cut to us renting a leaf blower and dropping thousands of fake fall leaves all over someone’s front yard. It also turned out to be on a day when there was a crazy wind advisory (enough time has passed now, so it’s pretty funny to look back on). We still find those leaves tucked away in our cars and in the studio to this day.

Best part about working with Lemonlight?

The crew <3.

Why do you love the video production industry?

I love the diversity of projects we get to work on and that there are never two projects that are exactly alike. I always get to be surrounded by creativity and really great collaborators.

Favorite crew meal?

Over the summer it was a really hot day in the valley so we all ordered milkshakes as a part of our lunch…10/10 would recommend!

Advice for those just starting in the industry?

You know the saying, “life’s a marathon, not a sprint?” Well, the industry is a marathon that you have to sprint in. Keep up the hustle and surround yourself with good people that will cheer you on when it’s hard to see the road ahead :).

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